
Kingston & St Andrew declared an HIV/AIDS stigma-free space

KINGSTON, Jamaica— The Jamaican Network of Seropositives (JN+) has certified the Kingston and St Andrew Municipality as a Stigma-Free Space, as part of the push to eradicate HIV related stigma and discrimination in Kingston. The Municipality, with the resounding support of the Mayor of Kingston, Senator Delroy Williams, has piloted this initiative as part of […]

Message from the JN+ President on Zero Discrimination Day 2021

People living with HIV are still facing stigma and discrimination because of their HIV status. I encourage you to join us in addressing discrimination by supporting the community, helping us correct the myths associated with HIV and sharing correct information, educating yourselves about HIV, and, importantly, by not being afraid to associate yourselves with people […]

JN+ Recommendation of the Sexual Harassment Act of 2019.

Sexual harassment is globally recognized as a form of violence against women and more broadly, a form of gender-based violence. The WHO reports ica.that gender-based violence is not only a human rights violation but also a barrier to HIV prevention, treatment, and care. Sexual harassment directly and adversely impacts women living with HIV in Jamaica Gender […]

Suggestions made for more groups to look out for sexual harassment

ONE of the suggestions being made to improve the Sexual Harassment Bill is widening the scope of people who have a duty of care to address complaints of sexual harassment, including the crew of public transportation such as the State-run Jamaica Urban Transit Company (JUTC). The discussion arose at Thursday’s meeting of the joint select […]

Combatting COVID-19 discrimination in Jamaica

Some Jamaicans have responded to the COVID-19 outbreak in extreme ways. Family members of one of the first confirmed cases received death threats, and nurses have reported being barred from public transport. Some people have given the health authorities wrong addresses to avoid the stigma that a home visit would attract. UNAIDS Jamaica and civil […]

The 10th Annual IAS Conference on HIV Science Highlights

In July 2019, our Senior Redress Officer, Nadine Lawrence, and one of our Community Facilitators, Junior Reid, represented our organization (and by extension, Jamaica) at the 10th, biannual, International AIDS Society Conference on HIV Sciences, held in Mexico. Junior was selected as a exemplary Healthcare Provider, through the Me and My Healthcare Provider campaign, which […]

Elizabeth Warren – Presidential Candidate to bring change to HIV policy

When talks about the eminent 2020 U.S. elections started, no one thought that H.I.V. policy would be a topic of discussion. These talks have now become relevant with, democratic candidate, Elizabeth Warren bearing the light. In a survey conducted by the ACT Now: End AIDS Coalition, Warren responded with hopes of reforming policies related to […]