Message from the JN+ President on Zero Discrimination Day 2021

People living with HIV are still facing stigma and discrimination because of their HIV status. I encourage you to join us in addressing discrimination by supporting the community, helping us correct the myths associated with HIV and sharing correct information, educating yourselves about HIV, and, importantly, by not being afraid to associate yourselves with people who are living with HIV.

We dream of a day when the community does not have to live in fear.
We hope for a day when we can safely disclose our HIV status.
We pray for the day when the government will pass laws to better protect us from discrimination and violence.

People living with HIV are still humans with families, dreams, and aspirations like you. They are people who need their rights to be respected.
They need jobs to survive and maintain their basic needs.
They need quality health care to safeguard their health.
They need love, kindness, and respect.

Help us fight stigma, discrimination and violence.

#ZeroDiscriminationDay #ZeroDiscrimination

End inequalities. Demand zero discrimination.

Ricky Pascoe
President of the Jamaican Network of Seropositives