Stigma-Free Spaces

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What are Stigma-Free Spaces?

This “public space” is defined as a physical space used for socialization, entertainment, work, study, worship, sports, business, and commerce. The Stigma-Free Spaces Project promotes inclusive and safe spaces for people living with HIV at varying levels in Jamaican society.

Stigma-Free Spaces foster the following in public spaces:

  • Intolerance of stigma and discrimination in any form.
  • Sensitization of individuals to identify and prevent instances of stigma and discrimination.
  • Commitment from managers or leaders to transform or sustain these spaces is enabling environments that respect, protect, and promote human rights.
  • Ease in accessing information to increase awareness.
  • Efforts are being made to eliminate stigma and discrimination.
  • It encourages equal opportunity, inclusivity, and diversity.

How to be certified as a Stigma-Free Space?

Stigma-Free Spaces Sign-up Form

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